Lunchtimes in the office with Guy

Created by Peter 3 years ago

Over the years Guy and I occupied adjacent rooms in our office in Daventry, more often than not we would break for lunch, stroll next door to Tesco, purchase a Meal Deal each (the cheese triple a favourit)  and a copy of the "I" newspaper and retire either to a park bench  ( weather permitting) or my office to eat and deplore the state of the world in general and the legal profession in particular before tackling the puzzles. Guy liked the Code Word, me the Zygolex and both the quick crossword and word ladders. These interludes were so precious to me and, so far as that  ( or any other therapy for that matter) was possible, kept me nearly sane. I miss these times very much but remember them, and Guy himself, with huge affection. We had so much in common and shared many passions; food & drink, rugby ( both codes ) , anything French and a hate of kale ( "spawn of the Devil" in Guy's opinion). Cricket was the one subject we couldn't agree on. Happy Days . God Bless you Guy, a true friend and gentleman. Peter